How to make more money and wealth with these 18 potent rules

How to make more money and wealth with these 18 potent rules

Are you curious as to how to make more money?

Tricky question and very commonly asked.

If we imagine the number of humans that have lived and died on this planet, some 108 Billion individuals, I’d argue that in some variation or another, that the simple question ‘how to make more money’ has probably been one of humanity’s most pondered.

Be cautiously curious, stay motivated, learn to adapt and stay optimistic

Because the question of how to make more money is so prevalent, everyone has an opinion on the matter, and therefore, there are many answers, some short, some long, and the quality of these answers varies dramatically in between.

Always be cautious when listening to anyone’s thoughts and opinions, even if they are most trusted individuals such as parents and other loved individuals (worse so if they’re a random “get rich quick money guru” off the internet).

Remember to ask yourself, has this individual achieved the financial results that I desire to be considered a credible source of guidance?

An honest disclaimer

I do not pretend to be Tony Robbins, Robert Kiyosaki or Dave Ramsey, but I have read and applied much of their work to great personal success. Also, I am not a multi-millionaire, but I do consider myself blessed and wealthy, and have increased my income significantly in a relatively short period of time by applying what I have learnt.

Ultimately, I write this article as a letter to my younger self and as a form of internal reflection and processing for your consideration only.

If you gain value from what I have learned, then the best to you. If you disagree with me, or believe I am missing some fundamental information, please reach out to me with the intention to further improve my learning.

Any insight that can help me further achieve my financial goals will be greatly appreciated.

The lack of money can be terribly distressing

If you have found this article, most likely you believe you are suffering from a lack of money and are looking for a quick and consistent solution to get you out of this state. If you have recently been furloughed by your employer, please read my article to help you.

I believe that this article will truly act as a defining point in your journey by teaching you the necessary rules about how to make more money in your lifetime.

However, the best advice that can be given on this subject (at least from my honest perspective), is to do your own research; never let your learning cease, and formulate your own answers based on your personal successes and failures.

Remember, the journey toward monetary gain is very challenging. If you acknowledge that you do not know how to make more money, and that you are guilty of lacking consistent motivation to achieve your financial goals, then you are 100% normal and not alone.   

Cultivate a mindset of positivity knowing that many men and women have experienced what you’re going through right now, and that one day you’ll succeed in this mission just as they have done.

“God’s delays are not God’s denials”

Robert H. Schuller

The fact that the world has 48,600,000 millionaires (denominated in US Dollars), should be self-evident proof that your mission to create financial independence can and will be achieved in due course. One of my favourite quotes is “God’s delays are not God’s denials” – Robert H. Schuller.

I believe once you have successfully achieved your monetary goals, then at this point, it is your moral duty to help others learn how to make more money and grow generational wealth.

The quality of life experienced by millions of people depends on it (a dramatic sentence, but fundamentally, I believe it to be true).

Cutting to the chase

There are universal rules that dictate how successful an individual will be at both making and losing money. And, it is essential that you understand these rules if you wish to learn how to make more money in significant quantities and consistently whilst preserving your hard earned gains.

I did not create all of these rules; most I have learnt from my personal education and trial and error during my personal journey.

Secondly, your perception and execution of these rules may differ to my original intention – therefore I advise you once again to be cautiously curious, stay motivated, learn to adapt and remain optimistic.

Here are the rules how to make more money and create lasting wealth

  • Define how much currency you wish to earn that exceeds your cost of living and or to create your ultimate financial vision of prosperity.
  • Define how much time you can realistically allocate to earn currency (whether as an employee or as an entrepreneur or both).
    • Quick Tip: Ask yourself the following questions to enhance this first rule, 1) How many months in a year do you wish to work? 2) How many weeks in a month do you wish to work? 3) How many days in a week do you wish to work? And 4) How many hours per day do you wish to work? It’s your life, engineer your income accordingly.
  • Learn not ‘how to make more money’, but rather how to create more ‘value’ that people want and are consistently prepared to exchange currency for. The ‘value’ that you can create could be anything in theory, but it is most effective when you can solve a specific problem, and or help people to achieve their own goals.
  • Understand that value is relative, and is solely based on a person’s personal perception. It is therefore different from person to person, and that people can actually change their perception of value at any time depending on their individual circumstances in life.
  • Again, rather than asking how to make more money, instead, continuously learn and practice how to effectively market, sell and produce value in order to generate even more currency at greater rates of frequency – never stop this process, no matter how good or bad times are.
  • Identify the most relevant ‘metrics’ that indicate how efficiently you are marketing, selling, delivering value, and the rate and quantity of the currency and profit you are generating. Regularly keep track of your progress, and find areas for continuous improvement.
  • Know that you can exchange your time, knowledge and skills for money, but that ultimately there is a limit to your available time, knowledge and skills (effectively capping how much you can earn in the long run). You can however choose to develop currency generating assets that are less reliant on your time, knowledge and skills effectively freeing you from this cycle.
  • Always spend less currency than what you earn to generate a ‘profit’ and then save the profits in the short term.
  • Ensure that you take your profit first before paying anyone else and not the other way round – if you run short of currency then understand that you are living beyond your means and need to reduce your living costs and or increase your ability to generate currency.
  • Do not use borrowed currency (debt) to finance your lifestyle (this includes personal loans, credit cards etc) – this is ‘negative leverage’ and will slowly but surely rob you of your ability to grow your wealth. However, debt can create ‘positive leverage’ when used strategically during investing which will be discussed later.
  • Initially, you can choose to save enough currency to cover your living costs that is equivalent to 6 months to 12 months in case of an unforeseen emergency.
  • In the long term (anything over a year), know that people that continuously save their currency are in actual effect, losers. This is because what many people refer to as ‘money’ or ‘cash’ is in actual fact ‘fiat currency’. Modern fiat currency is not real money as it does not store intrinsic value, and will always either inflate or deflate in value depending on how much fiat currency global banks print into existence. Typically, the amount of global fiat currency grows annually at around 3.5%, therefore, any amount of fiat currency that you have saved loses 3.5% of its value every year. This is why saved fiat currency needs to be either invested to make more than 3.5% interest and or, can be used to acquire silver and gold, which have historically proven to be real forms of money.
  • Spread your savings across multiple locations and do not rely solely on one source of storage – if a disaster strikes and all of your eggs are in one basket, your gains can be wiped out suddenly. Consider spreading a portion of currency across banks and brokerages in varying nations, and ensure to keep both currency and real money (silver and gold) physically on hand at your residence(s) and international storage vaults. 
  • Once this emergency saving milestone has been achieved, you can consider investing additional saved profits into ‘assets’ that have a proven history to generate even more currency and ultimately, profit. Historically proven assets include residential and commercial land and or property, and select business types.
  • Accept that investing naturally incurs risk and that you will lose currency during this process. Learning how to avoid future loss is part of becoming even more efficient at acquiring wealth, but the goal is to make more currency and stop losing currency (even to inflation).
  • If your investments are successful, they will begin to generate currency and profit for you. Take the saved profits from these currency generating assets and then reinvest them again, and again, and again (never ending) to further exponentially ‘compound’ the amount of currency you receive in the future.
  • When your investments generate enough currency to meet or exceed your cost of living, this is when you have technically achieved ‘financial freedom / independence’ as you no longer have to ‘work’ in order to make currency. However, this does not mean you need to stop acquiring additional assets to further grow your wealth.
  • To add additional protection to your finances, aim to diversify your sources of currency generation and aim to build a minimum of five sources to weather any change of personal circumstances, economic seasons, natural calamities and geo-political events. Ideally, you would want sources of income that perform consistently across highly inflationary periods of currency, highly deflationary periods of currency, times of great economic productivity, and times of low economic productivity.

Moving forward

Each bullet point above acts only as a summary and the full meaning of the words used may be lost to you. As mentioned previously, consistently improve your knowledge to better understand how to make more money by studying these powerful wealth creating concepts.

Most importantly, start taking action today – everyday lock off a period of time (as little as 30 minutes) where you create ideas and act on turning these ideas into a reality. 30 minutes a day adds up to over 182 hours per year of consistent effort!

Slowly but surely, the universe will align to bring you closer to your goals. If you have any questions about how to make more money and wealth in your life, please do not hesitate to get in touch.


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